O'Carroll Family History

Carroll of USA
South Africa
Descendents of Thomas Carroll
Family emblems
51 generation 1031-1905
Col.Thomas descendents
O'Carrolls in S.Africa

updated September 2010

    Carrolls of Cincinnati, Ohio

Edward Carroll, a member of the Presbyterian church in Moira, Co.Antrim was married to Elizabeth Murray. They left Ireland for America landing in New York. They then sailed to Philadelphia landing there on 21st May 1801. He first settled in East Liverpool.

See also Carrolls of Virginia

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US Carroll Biographies

Biographical information about Carrolls descended from Edward Carroll who emigrated to USA in 1801

Information available

Edward Carroll 1752-1831

Edward was born in the family Irish homestead at Trummera the son of Edward Carroll and Sarah Bell. He was married to Elizabeth Murray who gave birth to all but one of their children in Ireland. His grandson (Robert) records that "he was embarrassed financially by the condition of the country following the rebellion of 1798" and sold the leasehold of the 100 acre property (which had been in the family since 1729) to Isaac Bell in September 1800 prior to emigrating to the USA.

The family crossed the Atlantic with the Murrays to who they were related by marriage. The Carrolls landed in Philadelphia on 21 May 1801. Following the death of one child they bought some land in Columbiana County on the Ohio river in the North Western Territory, now Ohio. It was a wilderness of almost unbroken forest.

Towards the end of his life he moved to a Quaker settlement called New Garden near New Lisbon where he is buried with his wife.

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Thomas Carroll 1794-1871

Thomas was born in the family homestead at Trummery and came to the USA with his parents and siblings in 1801. He was brought up in Columbiana helping his father and brother on the farm. During the long winter months he studied to be a physician. He started his first practice as a country physician in Richmond, Indiana in 1820 shortly after marrying Anne Lynch Williams, a Friend. After falling ill he moved back to Columbiana but then settled in St.Clarisville, Belmont County, Ohio until 1841 when he moved to practice in Cincinnati (East Liverpool?). [See obituary and memories of his grandson.]

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John Carroll 1778-1836

Edward's (1752-1831) eldest son was named John. He was a man at the time of emigration, and partly educated at Cork with his uncles, John and Isaac Carroll. He accompanied his father to the West, and, after the family got settled, he entered upon a mercantile and trading career, which was eventful and romantic.

He was connected more or less with Abraham Bell, of New York, a cousin of his fathers- he was in partnership at Charleston, South Carolina, with his own cousin, John Davis- he went to Spain and France and ended by getting into the Commissary Department of Bonaparte's army- he was with that army on the Russian campaign , and after the burning ofMoscow and the destruction of the army, drifted into Holland, where he worked in a Chandler's factory until he got enough money to bring him back to this country.

He afterwards went to South America, engaging in Commercial pursuits at a place called San Pedro, in the Rio Grande of the state of Brazil. There he married a Portuguese lady, and resided until his death, which occurred about 1838 when he was probably 58 years old. He was a successful and respected merchant. He left no children.

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Robert Carroll born c.1824

Robert was born in St.Clarisville the son of Thomas (1794-1871). He was first a lawyer but latterly set up a firm of publishers in Cincinnati, and has been described as a barrister-at-law by his cousin in Cork. He was married to Mary Piatt and had five children, Eugene, Laura, Robert, Louis and Mary born between 1861 and 1868. [more]

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Death of Doctor Thomas Carroll

Preliminary Action of the Academy of Medicine Last Night

The death of Dr Thomas Carroll of this city, is an event which was not altogether unexpected by his professional friends, but its announcement will be a signal for a sense of profound regret with thousands who knew him as a physician, laboring for the good of his fellow beings throughout a long and honourable career.  He expired at half-past 12 o'clock yesterday, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs D.H.Taylor, at Oakley, after an acute illness of about two weeks.  Dr Carroll's death sickness dates from last summer, but he enjoyed a lapse of comparative health during which he resumed the labors of his profession when discretion would have prompted rest and a careful reservation of strength.  Such indeed was his industry and impulse to study that he critically investigated the nature of the disease to which he wonderfully elastic constitution was a prey, almost into the last hours of his life.

Dr Carroll was born on the 15th of April 1794, in County Antrim, Ireland, and was therefore seventy-seven years of age at his death.  He was of Quaker stock and maintained his membership in the Society of Friends.  His father emigrated to this country in 1801 and brought a large family, with which he settled in Columbiana County, in this State.  He was the youngest son, and while undergoing the drudgery on the farm, manifested a love for learning and an ambition to acquire it that nothing could conquer.  Such education as he could acquire by the light of the pine log at night, and in the backwoods school in the dull months of the year, he gathered with avidity, and before his twentieth birthday he had read medicine with sufficient profit and proficiency to secure the honors of the graduating class in the old Translyvania University of Lexicon, Kentucky, in his twenty-first year.  He subsequently attended lectures in New York and Philadelphia, and very soon made his mark as a physician.

He settled in Richmond, Indiana, in 1820 and practised medicine for a year, when he married his wife who survives him, a sister of Micajah Williams, well known in the earlier history of this community.  Dr Carroll continued to practice medicine and surgery in Richmond for a few years, but was obliged, through poor health, to change his place of residence. He tried New Lisbon, in this State, but soon removed to St.Clairsville from 1824 till 1841, and during that space of time acquired a wide-spread reputation, which so burdened his labors that he was forced to abandon the field for one less extended geographically. He came to this city [Cincinnati] in 1841 where he has resided ever since and laboured with unremitting zeal and devotion.

As a physician Dr.Carroll adhered to the old school, and was bold and original in his style of practice. He wrote largely in his profession, but published mostly in the medical journals.  He was a man of strong character, combining withal qualities of heart almost feminine in gentleness and tenderness.

His intellectual face and noble head will be missed on the streets where he was familiar, as, seated in his visiting carriage, he rolled past obedient to the call of duty, and the hundreds of families to whom his faithful ministrations brought comfort and relief will mourn his loss and honour his memory.

Dr. Carroll's death was announced in the Academy of Medicine last night by Dr.Stevenson, who attended him in his illness, and after a brief allusion to him as a member suggested suitable action.

Dr.Dawson moved that a committee of five be appointed for that purpose, with Drs.Stevenson and Hadlock included.



Carroll links with the Murrays

EDWARD MURRAY (1797-1826)

Edward Murray, son of Jonas Murray, was born in Ireland in 1797.  His father, wishing to try his fortune in America, came from Ireland, in 1800, with his wife and seven children.  The vessel upon which they embarked was of but three hundred tons burden, but carried seven hundred passengers, and although crowded well-nigh to suffocation, there was no sickness among the people.  The voyage was made in the then excellent time of four weeks, and the wanderers toward the New World landed in New York, filled with ambitious hopes touching a happy future.  Jonas settled in Pennsylvania, where he remained until 1815, when (being induced by his sister, Mrs. Edward Carroll, whose husband had sailed with the Murrays, and settled in Liverpool- then St. Clair- township in 1801) he passed over to Columbiana County, and entered one hundred and sixty acres of land in Hanover township.


Edward Carroll married Elizabeth Murray (the sister of Jonas Murray) in 1775. The two families were therefore well connected before they sailed together to the New World.  Mary Carroll Bewley stated that the Carroll family landed in Philadelphia on 21 May 1801.  It may be that they stayed awhile in New York before finding land to purchase.

In his letter of 12 October 1878, Robt.W.Carroll mentions that Leonard Dobbin and his wife Elizabeth nee Carroll  who came from the same neighbourhood arrived in America about the same time and settled first in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

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by his grandson, Eugene Carroll, January 3rd 1936

I have a very vivid recollection of Grandfather Carroll although I was only ten yeas old when he died.  I attribute this to the fact that I spent the last two summer vacations with Grandfather, driving his horse and buggy in his daily calls.  As I recall him, in his disposition and character he was very similar to Doctor H Longstreet Taylor, my first cousin.  He was gentle and considerate, generous and intelligent; in his profession, thoroughly skilful and devoted, with very high ideals of ethics.  They used to say that Grandfather would not walk on the same side of the street as a homeopathic physician if he could possibly avoid it.  He was a devoted family man and my Mother often said that he was particularly kind to her when she went to his house as a bride. She loved him dearly as did all of his connection.

As it often happened in those days, he would bring the sick or neglected child to his home and I believe my grandparents raised several children in that way.  The only one I ever knew was Lizzie Grant, who was a frequent visitor at our house in the early days and who was raised from a small child and lived with my grandparents until she was married.

A family tradition is that Grandfather was particularly successful during two cholera epidemics, one I think in 1845 and one later in Cincinnati.  I recall when I went to Japan in 1881, I had a copy of Grandfather's prescriptions and a full supply of them and have always believed they saved my life when a cholera epidemic was raging in Yokohama.  I was taken one night ashore with violent painless diarrhoea and after much effort got back to the ship and began taking Grandfather's cholera medicine.  I was perfectly sure that I had cholera but whether it was the medicine or only my personal fear, the next day I was much better and finally came out all right.  He was a great believer in calomel and hs so-called cholera medicine was composed principally of calomel and morphine.

Grandfather and Grandmother Carroll were members of the Hicksite Society of Friends and lived a quiet life on Ninth Street just East of Mound in Cincinnati.  Grandmother wore the Quaker Grey costume and poke bonnet and used the plain language.  While Grandfather dressed quietly, he did not wear the broad brimmed Quaker hat so common in those days and only used the plain language in the family circles, at other times he spoke in the ordinary language as did my father for many years.  It was interesting to see them us "Thee" and "Thou" when talking to their families and not use it in their business life.

Like most of the Carrolls, Grandfather was a poor financier and I have heard my father say if he could collect the unpaid accounts on his books, Grandmother would have been left more than comfortable.  Like all physicians in those days, the only time they made any collections was when they needed the money for living expenses.  I understood that in early life he had endorsed for his brother, Edward, and for that reason was in financial straights always.  Of course, I was too young to know much about his affairs but I am convinced that he was the leading physician in Cincinnati in his day and had a very large practice.  I was told during the cholera epidemic he hardly took time to sleep and kept fit by taking  blue mass pill every morning.  On one occasion during an epidemic, when the civil authorities called him down for not making prompt reports, he replied that he was "Too busy saving lives to bother with statistics."  In his day, I believe he was progressive and kept up with the times in his profession.  When he died, he held his pulse up to the last.

Father spent considerable time in the latter years of his life in tracing the Carroll ancestry and through him I learned that the original ancestor of the Carrolls of Maryland and our family was killed at the battle of the Boyne, leaving two sons, one, our ancestor, was adopted by a family in the Northern part of Ireland and raised a Protestant of the Quaker faith, the other son, the direct ancestor* of the Carrolls of Maryland, was raised in Southern Ireland in the Roman Catholic Church.  This is confirmed by the fact that the Coat of Arms of our branch is identical with the Coat of Arms of the Carrolls of Maryland.

Father said the death of his eldest son, Doctor Foster Carroll, was the greatest sorrow of Grandfather's life and he always believed the diagnosis of the attending physicians was wrong.  Foster's wife and daughter lived in Grandfather's home until the death of Grandmother who only lived a short time after Grandfather's death.  After that, Aunt Laura took care of them.


It may be noted that Thomas was deeply sorrowed by his son's death.  In the family bible he wrote thus:  "Foster Carroll MD died the 13th, 7 Mo 1851. Aged 27 years 11 months and five days.  Oh my son, why dist thee die?".  Robert W Carroll (Foster's brother) wrote underneath, "It appears from the funeral notice published in the Cincinnati Daily Gazette of July 16, 1851, that Dr Foster Carroll died of Typhus Fever, July 14th 1851 (14th 7th Mo) and was buried at 5 o'clock pm Wednesday July 16th, from the residence of his father Dr Thomas Carroll North Corner ??? and Plain Street, Cincinnati.  As he was born August 18th 1823, he was 27 years, 10 months and 26 days old at the time of his death.  It is without doubt that our Father made a mistake in his entry above. Robt.W.Carroll"

*I think his supposition that one of the brothers orphaned after the Boyne was the direct ancestor of the Carrolls of Maryland cannot be correct, for they emigrated to America in 1688 two years before the battle.  Indeed, his father would have told him that- see the letter dated 12th October 1878 and was the ancestor of Mrs Dobbin.

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Extract from "Centennial History of Cincinnati"

by Charles Theodore Greve, 1904

Robert W Carroll

Robert W Carroll, who for many years was at the head of the great publishing house of R W Carroll & Co of Cincinnati, died at his home in Avondale, December 17, 1897. He was born July 28, 1826, in St. Clairsville, Ohio and was the son of Dr.Thomas Carroll and Anne Lynch (Williams) Carroll.  HIs father was one of the leaders in the medical profession in Cincinnati from 1841, his date of settlement here, until his death, March 13, 1871.  His mother was a native of Lynchburgh, Pennsylvania.

Robert W Carroll, who was the second of his parent's sons, after completing his literary education at Woodward College, entered the office of Judge William Johnston for the study of the law. He made rapid progress and was admitted to the bar in 1848 and practised for one year at Springfield, Ohio, removing then to Cincinnati, where he entered into partnership with his preceptor, Judge Johnston.  He soon gained a reputation for legal acumen second to none, and enjoyed a lucrative practice.  His ability in his profession was marked and through his whole life, although giving his attention to other interests for a time, he displayed those qualities which distinguished him so long before the bar.  In 1862 a combination of circumstances induce Mr Carroll to embark in a mercantile business which he continued with remarkable success for four years, during which time he founded the publishing house of R.W.Carroll & Company. In the disastrous fire of 1866, his business was swept away, but he soon resumed and continued in the publishing line until 1880, one of the issues of the house being the Christian Standard, of which Elder Isaac Errett was editor. The firm was distinguished for perfect integrity and uprightness.  In 1880, the publishing business having been disposed of, Mr Carroll resumed the practice of the law and with as much success as formerly.

IN 1854 Mr Carroll was married to Lydia B Conway, of Delaware, who died January 19, 1857.  The death of the mother was followed by that of their only child, little Nora, on January 10, 1860.  On May 1, 1860, Mr Carroll was married to Mary Arabella Piatt, daughter of Jacob Wycoff Piatt, the Piatt family being one of the oldest and most honoured in the Queen City.  Jacob Wycoff Piatt was a most remarkable man and took a conspicuous part in the early political history of Hamilton County.  He possessed great vigour and independence of character, which were brought to the public notice by his position on the Bible, school and fire department questions.  He was a most zealous friend of fire department reform, and the introduction the paid fire department into our city was due in no small degree to his championship of it in the City Council, against violent clamour and opposition from the members of the old volunteer department.  Mrs Carroll and all the children, five in number, survive.  Two sons live in Cincinnati: Louis, who is secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Sinking Fund; and R de V., who is a prominent member of the bar, with offices in the Union Trust Building.  The other members of the family are Eugene, the oldest son, who is manager of a water company in Buttee, Montana; Laura (single), who lives in New York; and Belle (Durphy), who is also a resident of New York.

Mr Carroll was a leader in all public movements tending to the prosperity and advancement of educational and reformatory enterprises.  He was a man of the most perfect integrity and, although not formally united with any religious body, contributed to the support of all.  He was of a refined nature and possessed a cultivated mind and was a welcome addition to social circles.  He left a large number of sincere friends who respected him for his exemplary character and loved him for his personal attributes.  He passed away in serenity of spirit and those about him recall his own words, uttered to comfort those who grieved: "Death is neither to be dreaded nor deplored."

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