Descendants of Edward CARROLL



William Hambleton, b. Oct. 23, 1758, in Solebury, Bucks county, Pa.; d. July 16, 1837; m. Nov. 24, 1785, Mary Kester, b. May 21, 1764, d. Aug. 8, 1803, in childbirth, dau. of Samuel and Susannah Kester. About the close of the century. he removed to Baltimore, Md.; was employed at Elli- cott's mills till 1802; then settled on a farm in Little Britain, Lancaster county, Pa., near his bro. James. But soon after the death of his wife he left his children with relatives and went to Ohio, purchased a farm near Flushing, Belmont county, O., and in 1806 settled upon it with his family, and there resided till his death, and was buried on the farm. This farm is still owned and occupied by his son Thomas.
William and his first wife and all of their children were members of the Society of Friends About 1809 he m. Rebecca Cam, who was b. in Georgia, and d. Oct. 13, 1853, in her 84th year.
Issue by First Wife:
1. — Benjamin K., b. Dec. 10, 17S6; m. Rachel Lewis.
2. — James, b. Sept. 3, 17SS; m. Martha Brooks.
3. — Charles, b. April 4, 1790; m. Jane Grimshaw.
4. — Rachel K., b. Nov. 20, 1791; d. July 31, 1831; m. Edward Carroll; resided in East Liverpool, Columbiana county, O. Issue :
1. John, drowned when a boy.
2. Mary Ann, b. April 7, 1826; m. George Bewley; res. Cincinnati, O.; and has two ch.
3. William, b. May 20, 1825; d. July 2, 1861 ; a physician ; m., but had no issue.

28. John CARROLL

drowned as a boy

29. William CARROLL

No issue