US Descendants of Carroll Of Ely Of Litterluna


 The seventeenth century saw the curtain begin to fall on Celtic Ireland. Events such as the plantation of Ulster, the Cromwellian invasion and the Williamite wars profoundly affected all aspects of Irish life. After the battle of the Boyne vast numbers of Irishmen chose exile in France or Spain rather than the humiliation at home. This became known as the Flight of the Wild Geese and an estimated 120,000 left Ireland between 1690 and 1730. The Irish Legion in Spain had a much longer history than that in the French service although the latter had the distinction of defeating the famed British Grenadiers in one battle. L'Abbé MacGeoghan, the historian and chaplain of the Irish Brigade in the French service enumerates the names of the most distinguished families and quotes the O'Carrolls as having "crowned themselves with laurels at the shores of Tagus".

The loss of these leaders removed the last barriers between the Irish people and their foreign rulers. The eighteenth century in Ireland saw the completion of the process of subjugation as the Penal Laws ended the ancient Gaelic order and the reduction to peasanthood of the once proud Irish nation. Even the personal and family names of the people were changed as the use of the English language, introduced by the Normans in the twelfth century, became widespread and resulted in the Gaelic forms of names being abandoned for anglicised equivalents. The prefixes Mac and O' were widely dropped and thus the ancient Gaelic family name of ó cerball gave way to the anglicised O'Carroll and finally Carroll.

In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries record keeping at parish level was not an easy matter for the local clergy. This was largely due to the widespread illiteracy among congregations caused by the suppression of the Gaelic language and the Penal laws enacted after the Treaty of Limerick in 1691 which proscribed public worship for Catholics. These laws were not removed from the statute book until the Emancipation Act of 1829.

What records were kept were decimated by the fire at the Four Courts in Dublin in 1922 which destroyed a majority of the parish records together with wills, marriage licences and census returns.

The occurrence of the name Carroll through northern Tipperary, Offaly and Kildare shows that over a period of time the family spread across the county from their ancient land of Ely .

Generation No. 1


2.2     (THOMAS?) CARROLL, b. Ireland; d. Unknown, Ireland.

Generation No. 2


    3.1.     KEANE CARROLL, b. Abt. 1663, Ireland; d. Unknown, Ireland.
    3.2.     CHARLES CARROLL, b. 1660, Ireland; d. 1720, USA.

At an early age, he went into the service of King James II.  He is called 'The Immigrant' or "The Attorney General'.  He came to America in 1688.  He was a Lawyer.
     3.3     THOMAS CARROLL, b. Abt. 1665, Ireland; d. July 01, 1690, Ireland; m. UNKNOWN; d. Unknown.
He was a Lt. Col.  Commander Carroll's Dragoons were in the Battle of Boyne on the side of King James II and he was killed in that battle.  At his death, his sons were taken prisoners by the Protestant Army and reared as Presbyterians.
2.2  (THOMAS?) CARROLL (CARROLL OF ELY OF1 LITTERLUNA) was born in Ireland, and died in Ireland.  He married ELIZABETH HOGG.  She was born in Ireland, and died  in Ireland.


    3.4 CHARLES CARROLL, b. Abt. 1710; d. Unknown.
    3.5 DANIEL CARROLL, b. 1696, Ireland; d. 1751, USA.
    3.6 EDWARD CARROLL, b. Abt. 1715; d. Unknown.

Generation No. 3

  CHARLES(3) CARROLL ( "The Settler" )

Charles Carroll of Annapolis was a land spectator and had an Iron Foundry and amassed a large fortune.

Children of CHARLES CARROLL are:

 i. CHARLES CARROLL, b. 1737; d. 1832; m. MARY DARNALL; d. Unknown.

Charles Carroll of Carrollton was a signer of the Declaration of Independance.  He was the richest man in the 13 Colonies.  He was born in 1737 and died in 1832.  He lived longer than any other signer of the Declaration of Independance.  The others who were the next to last to die were Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.  They died on July 4, 1826, exactly 50 years after the Declaration was signed.
"Strange isn't it?" by Louise Arford Greenfield.
Charles Carroll married Mary Darnall an niece of Eleanor Darnall

 ii. ELEANOR CARROLL, d. Unknown; m. DANIEL CARROLL; b. 1730; d. 1796.

DANIEL(3) CARROLL(UNKOWN2, CARROLL OF ELY OF1 LITTERLUNA) was born 1696 in Ireland, and died 1751 in USA.  He married ELEANOR DARNALL.  She died Unknown.

He was a Mechant and came to America circa 1700.

 i. DANIEL(4) CARROLL, b. 1730; d. 1796; m. ELEANOR CARROLL; d. Unknown.

Daniel Carroll of Rock Creek signed the Constitution and the Articles of Confederation.

 ii. JOHN CARROLL, b. January 08, 1735; d. December 03, 1815.

First bishop of the hierarchy of the United States of America, first Bishop and Archbishop of Baltimore, b. at Upper Marlboro, Md., 8 Jan., 1735; died in Baltimore, 3 Dec., 1815. His father, Daniel, born in Ireland, settled at Upper Marlboro, where he became a merchant, and married Eleanor Darnall, a relative of the wife of Charles Carroll of Carrollton. She was very rich and had been well educated in France. Their first son died in infancy; their second, Daniel, figured prominently in Revolutionary history. John, their third son, was probably baptized at Boone's Chapel, now Rosaryville, Maryland. When twelve years of age, he went to the Jesuits' grammar school at Bohemia in Cecil Co., Maryland, where he was "assiduous in study, pious and amiable". After one year there, he went abroad to St. Omer's College in French Flanders, and for six years pursued a liberal education with "marked capability of mind, attention to studies and docility and kindness of manner". His father died in 1750, and in 1753 John Carroll joined the Society of Jesus. In 1755 he began his studies of philosophy and theology at Liege, and after fourteen years (1769) was ordained priest at the age of thirty-four. The next four years he spent at St.-Omer and at Liege teaching philosophy and theology. During the winter of 1772-3 Father Carroll travelled through Europe as preceptor, with the son of Lord Stourton. Upon his return to England he was, for a short time the guest and chaplain of Lord Arundell at Wardour Castle. This year, 1773, Pope Clement XIV issued (21 July) and published (16 August) at Rome, the Bull suppressing and dissolving the Society of Jesus. This news reached Father Carroll 5 September, and after writing a vindication of the Society he had to provide for his future course of life. In the following spring he returned (26 June) to Maryland and hastened to his mother's home at Rock Creek, with whom and other intimates he had faithfully corresponded while in Europe. As a result of laws discriminating against Catholics, there was then no public Catholic Church in Maryland, so Father Carroll began the life of a missionary in Maryland and Virginia. He built a tiny frame chapel on his mother's estate and here on Sundays (in her house on weekdays) he said Mass when at home. During the next two years he devoted the time left from his devotions to the study of ancient literature and current topics in order to increase his knowledge; yet he did not neglect his social obligations. Apropos of his support at that time he himself wrote: "Catholics contributed nothing to the support of religion in its ministers; the whole maintenance fell on the priests themselves. . .the produce of their lands was sufficient to answer their demands."

In 1776, when a committee composed of Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Chase, and Charles Carroll of Carrollton was about to be sent by the Continental Congress to seek the neutrality of Canada during the War of Independence, "by a special resolution (Feb. 15) Charles Carroll of Carrollton was requested to prevail on Mr. John Carroll to accompany the committee to Canada, to assist them in such matters as they shall think useful". He accepted the honourable office, and spent the remainder of the winter in Canada; he found, however (Shea, Life and Times of the Most Rev. John Carroll, New York, 1888, 148-53), that it was too late to discuss the question of union with the revolted colonies, or even neutrality, and returned to New York at the end of May in company with Benjamin Franklin. His influence on his fellow-countrymen even at this period may be surmised from the fact that, though out of the constitutions adopted by the Thirteen States, only four did away with the old Penal Laws and allowed Catholics absolute equality with other citizens, yet these (Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, and Maryland) were situated nearest to Father Carroll. During these years he chose to live with his mother, then seventy years old, and refused to accept an assignment elsewhere by Father Lewis, formerly Superior of the Jesuits in Maryland, and now Vicar-General of the Vicar Apostolic of London (or the Western District). Father Lewis, however, did not consider him entitled to support from the income of the property belonging to the Jesuits, although he had to labour very hard, often riding twenty-five miles on sick-calls. (Shea, op. Cit., 85-86); Campbell in U.S. Cath. Magazine, Baltimore, 1844, III, 364,365.)

When the war was over Carroll and five other priests met at Whitemarsh, Md., 27 June, 1783, to discuss ways and means to carry on their missionary work and hold their property intact. They held a second meeting 6 November, 1783, and a third 11 October, 1784, at the same place, when they formulated the draft of the regulations binding all the clergy of Maryland. Thereby every priest was maintained and given thirty pounds a year, and each priest agreed to offer ten Masses for every priest who died there. The adopted the following:

"It is the opinion of a majority of the chapter that a superior 'in spiritualibus', with powers to give Confirmation, grant faculties, dispensations, bless oils, etc., is adequate to the present exigencies of religion in this country. Resolved therefore,
"1st, That a bishop is at present unnecessary.
"2nd, that if one is sent it is decided by the majority of the chapter that he shall not be entitled to any support from the present estates of the clergy.
"3rd, That a committee of three be appointed to prepare and give an answer to Rome conformable to the above resolution."
In response to a petition sent by the Maryland clergy to Rome, 6 November, 1783, for permission for the missionaries here to nominate a superior who should have some of the powers of a bishop, Father Carroll, having been selected, was confirmed by the pope, 6 June, 1784, as Superior of the Missions in the thirteen United States of North America, with power to give confirmation. He was asked to send a report of the state of Catholicity in the United States. This same year a minister named Charles Henry Wharton, a Marylander, an ex-Jesuit, and distant relative of Father Carroll, attacked the Church, and was answered by Carroll in "An Address to the Roman Catholics of the United States of North America". Its aim and spirit may be gauged from one of its passages wherein Carroll said: "General and equal toleration, by giving a free circulation to fair argument, is a most effectual method to bring all denominations of Christians to an unity of faith." The work was published at Annapolis in 1784, and is the first Catholic work written by an American Catholic published in the United States. Father Carroll was, all the while, distracted, personally wishing the rehabilitation of the Society of Jesus and to remain himself a Jesuit.. But officially seeing the need of a bishop, and that too an American, he decided to accept the pope's appointment of himself, and forthwith as Prefect Apostolic sent (Feb., 1785), to Cardinal Antonelli, his acceptance of that office, but urged that some method of appointing church authorities be adopted by Rome that would not make it appear as if they were receiving their appointment from a foreign power. A report of the status of Catholics in Maryland was appended to his letter, where he stated that 9000 were freemen, 3000 children, and 3000 negro slaves; that some of the more prominent families, despite the dearth of priests (there being then only nineteen in Maryland) were still Catholics in faith, sufficiently religious, though prone to dancing and novel-reading. The pope was so pleased with Father Carroll's report that he granted his request "that the priests in Maryland be allowed to suggest two or three names from which the Pope would choose their bishop". In the meanwhile Father Carroll took up his residence in Baltimore (1786-7), where even Protestants were charmed by his sermons delivered in old St. Peter's church. He took an active part in municipal affairs, especially in establishing schools, Catholic and non-Catholic, being president of the Female Humane Charity School of the City of Baltimore, one of three trustees for St. John's College at Annapolis, founder of Georgetown College (1791), head of the Library Company, the pioneer of the Maryland Historical Society, and President of the trustees of Baltimore College (1803).

He represented to Congress the need of a constitutional provision for the protection and maintenance of religious liberty, and doubtless to him, in part, is due the provision in Article Sixth, Section 3, of the Constitution, which declares that "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States", and also the first amendment, passed this same year by the first Congress, that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof: (for a more cautious view see SHEA, op. cit., 348).

Church troubles, Trusteeism in New York, and Nationalism in Philadelphia, at this time decided the priests of Maryland (March, 1788) to petition Rome for a bishop for the United States. Cardinal Antonelli replied, allowing the priests on the mission to select the city and, for this case only, to name the candidate for presentation to the pope. Twenty-four of the twenty-five other priests in the meeting voted for Father Carroll. Accordingly on 6 November, 1789, Pope Pius VI appointed him bishop. His consecration took place in Mr. Weld's chapel at Lulworth Castle, England, 15 August, 1790, at the hands of the Rt. Rev. Charles Walmesley, Senior Vicar Apostolic of England. Bishop Carroll returned to Baltimore in triumph, 7 December, when he preached an appropriate and touching sermon in St. Peter's church. Troubles in Boston required him soon to go thither, where he removed much prejudice.

In common with their fellow-citizens, the Catholics of the United States hailed with joy the election of George Washington as first president under the new Constitution. Before the inauguration Bishop Carroll, on behalf of the Catholic clergy, united with the representatives of the Catholic laity (Charles Carrollton, and Daniel Carroll of Maryland, Dominick Lynch of New York, and Thomas FitzSimons of Pennsylvania) in an address of congratulation, admirable for its sentiments of exalted patriotism ["An Address from the Roman Catholics of America to George Washington, Esq., President of the United States", London, 1790, fol.; reprint New York, 1865, facsimile and notes; see Shea, op.cit. , 349-50, and ibid., the memorable and cordial reply of Washington (12 March, 1790) "To the Roman Catholics of the United States", in which he says: "I presume that your fellow-citizens will not forget the patriotic part which you took in the accomplishment of their Revolution, and the establishment of your Government, or the important assistance which they received from a nation in which the Roman Catholic faith is professed." The original of this reply is preserved in the Archives of the Archbishop of Baltimore]. It may not be out of place to quote here the noble words of Bishop Carroll himself, addressed (10 June, 1789) to a maligner of Catholics: "Their blood flowed as freely (in proportion to their numbers) to cement the fabric of independence as that of any of their fellow-citizens. They concurred with perhaps greater unanimity than any other body of men in recommending and promoting that government from whose influence America anticipates all the blessings of justice, peace, plenty, good order, and civil and religious liberty" (Brent, 97, see below; Shea, op.cit., 153).

On 7 Nov., 1791, he held the First Synod of Baltimore, attended by twenty-two priests of five nationalities. To train priests for his diocese of three million square miles, Bishop Carroll had asked the Fathers of the Company of Saint Sulpice to come to Baltimore, where they arrived in 1791 and started the nucleus of St. Mary's College and Seminary. Bishop Carroll issued his first pastoral letter 28 March, 1792; very practical, yet tender, appealing for support for the clergy by means of the offertory collections. In 1793 for the first time, Bishop Carroll conferred Holy orders, the recipient being the Rev. Stephen Badin, the first priest ordained within the limits of the original thirteen of the United States. In 1795, he ordained to the priesthood Prince Demetrius Gallitzin who was to add 6,000 converts to his flock. In 1798, Bishoop Carroll won an interesting and important lawsuit, the famous Fromm Case (Shea, op.cit., 448-5), in which Judge Addison, President of the Court of Common Pleas of the Fifth Circuit of Pennsylvania, decided that "The Bishop of Baltimore has the sole episcopal authority over the Catholic Church of the United States. Every Catholic congregation within the United States is subject to his inspection; and without authority from him no Catholic priest can exercise any pastoral function over any congregation within the United States." In 1792, says Shea (op.cit., 486-7) he interceded with Washington in regard to missions among the Indians; eventually the president recommended to Congress a civilizing and Christianizing policy among the Indians, one result of which was the acceptance of the services of a Catholic priest, to whom a small yearly salary was allowed. After the death of Washington, Bishop Carroll "issued a circular to his clergy (29 Dec., 1799) in regard to the celebration of the 22d of February as a day of mourning, giving directions for such action as would be in conformity with the spirit of the Church, while attesting to the country the sorrow and regret experienced by Catholics at the great national loss" (Shea, op.cit., 495). Having been invited by the unanimous resolution of Congress, in common with the clergy of all denominations and congregations of Christians throughout the United States, he preached a panegyric of the president in St. Peter's church in Baltimore, 22 February, 1800, which was regarded by all who heard it, or read it in print (Baltimore, 1800), says Shea, (op.cit., 495), as one of the most masterly which were uttered on that day. Episcopal orders were conferred for the first time in the United States by Bishop Carroll on Bishop Neale, his coadjutor, with right of succession to the See of Baltimore. Plans for building his cathedral now occupied Bishop Carroll's mind, and on 7 July, 1806, he laid the corner-stone on ground bought for $20,000, and the seventh design of the architect, B.H. Latrobe, was accepted.

In 1808, Bishop Carroll became Archbishop, with suffragan sees at New York, Philadelphia, Boston, and Bardstown. At a meeting held in Baltimore in 1810, Archbishop Carroll, with Bishop Neale and three of his suffragans, drew up some important regulations for the welfare and direction of their clergy and people (See BALTIMORE, PROVINCIAL COUNCILS OF). Owing to ill-health Archbishop Carroll had to decline the proffered honour of laying the corner-stone of Washington's Monument in Baltimore, in the autumn of 1815. His end was now approaching. To a Protestant minister who said to the dying prelate that his hopes were now directed to another world, Archbishop Carroll replied: "Sir, my hopes have been always fixed on the Cross of Christ". A short while after he said, "Of those things that give me most consolation at the present moment, one is that I have always been attached to the practice of devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary; that I have established it among the people under my care, and placed my diocese under her protection." On 22 November he received the last sacraments, after which he made a touching discourse to the priests present. "The whole population of Baltimore", said a letter from a relative, were "constantly calling to inquire about, and to urge permission to see him." The funeral Mass was offered in St. Peter's pro-Cathedral and the body temporarily laid in the chapel of St. Mary's Seminary till 1824, when the cathedral crypt was ready for the deposit it still guards.

"Archbishop Carroll, though of low stature, had a commanding and dignified appearance", wrote the Rev. Dr. C. I. White. "The configuration of his head, his whole mein, bespoke the metropolite. . . . He wrote them (Latin, Italian and French) not less readily and tersely than his own. He mingled often in gay society, relished the festivities of polished life, and the familiar intercourse of both clergy and laity of the Protestant denomination. He was wholly free from guile, uniformly frank, generous and placable; he reprobated all intolerance. . . . He ranked and voted with the Federalist party. He loved republicanism. His manners were mild, impressive and urbane."

A Baltimore paper of the day said of the burial: "We have never witnessed a funeral procession where so many of eminent respectability and standing among us followed the train of mourners. Distinctions of rank, of wealth, of religious opinion were laid aside in the great testimony of respect to the memory of the man." Another Baltimore paper said: "In him religion assumed its most attractive and amiable form, and his character conciliated for the body over which he presided, respect and consideration from the liberal, the enlightened of all ranks and denominations; for they saw that his life accorded with the benign doctrines of that religion which he professed. In controversy he was temperate yet compelling, considerate yet uncompromising.

Brent says he had "sound judgment, real piety and pre-eminent talents". "The discourses from the pulpit, and the pastoral letters of Archbishop Carroll were alike distinguished for their unction and classical taste. His voice being naturally feeble, the exertions which he made to be distinctly heard from the pulpit rendered his elocution less agreeable there than in other situations requiring less force of lungs. His colloquial powers and resources were great and rich, and his kind and benignant feelings always prompted him to apply them to the best of advantage. There was an irresistible charm and elegance indeed in his conversations."

The archives of the Baltimore cathedral contain the original Brief making Father Carroll Superior of the Missions in the United States, and erecting the See of Baltimore and appointing bishop Carroll, copies of the Briefs raising Baltimore to an archiepiscopal see and conferring the pallium on Bishop Carroll, also very many of his official and private letters, etc.

BRENT, "Biographical Sketchof the Most Rev. John Carroll" (Baltimore, 1843); CAMPBELL, "Memoirs of the Life and Times of the Most Rev. John Carroll" in "United States Catholic Magazine" (1844-5); IDEM, Desultory Sketches of the Catholic church in Maryland" in "Religious Cabinet" (1842); WHITE, Appendix to DARRAS, "History of the Catholic Church"; SHEA, "Life and Times of the Most Rev. John Carroll" (New York, 1888).

EDWARD(3) CARROLL(UNKOWN2, CARROLL OF ELY OF1 LITTERLUNA) was born Abt. 1715, and died Unknown.  He married SARA BELL (a Quaker)1738 in Ballinderry, Co Antrim, Ireland, daughter of ARCHIBOLD BELL and JANE BELL.  She died Unknown.

Source: Randolph, Family History misc: Born in stone house 1.5 mi E. of Moira on Lisburn Rd., Ireland.
Immigration: came to America about 1801. (ref) Esther Coy letter 12 Dec 1987. He  was a Presbyterian.

Children of EDWARD CARROLL and SARA BELL are:
 i.    EDWARD(4) CARROLL, b. Abt. 1754, Lisburn Rd., Moira, Ireland; d. Unknown.
 ii.   JOHN(4) CARROLL, b. 1740; d. 1819, Sydney Place, Cork, Ireland.
 iii.  ISAAC CARROLL, b. 1755, Ireland; d. 1817, PA.
 v.   THOMAS b1738 d abt 1759 @ Moira
 vii WILLIAM b abt1742
source: Pencil chart, ref Thomas Webb's Quaker pedigrees, Randolph
source: david o'carroll's ftw.

Generation No. 4

EDWARD(4) CARROLL (EDWARD3, UNKOWN2, CARROLL OF ELY OF1 LITTERLUNA) was born Abt. 1754 in Lisburn Rd., Moira, Ireland, and died Unknown.  He married ELIZABETH MURRAY 1775 in County Atrim, Ireland, daughter of JOSEPH MURRAY and MARGERY HOGG.  She was born August 15, 1760 in Ireland, and died Unknown.

They came to America in 1801 and settled in Ohio.
Born in a stone house 1.5 mi E. of Moira on Lisburn Rd.
Per one history, lived near E. Liverpool, OH for 8 years
Became Hicksites after the split in 1809.

 i.   MARGERY(5) CARROLL, b. February 01, 1789, Co. Atrim, Ireland; d. July 04, 1873, Columbiana Co, OH.
ii.  ISAAC CARROLL, b.1800 d. 1801 in USA
iii. SARAH CARROLL, d. Unknown. [was she Nancy?]
iv. ELIZA CARROLL, d. Unknown.
v.  JOSEPH CARROLL, b. 1780; d. 1845.
vi. EDWARD CARROLL, b. 1780; d. 1845.
vii.THOMAS CARROLL, b. 1784; d. 1871; m. ANN LYNCH WILLIAMS, Cincinnati, OH; d. Unknown.
viii. NANCY CARROLL, b. July 1785; d. August 23, 1866.
ix.  DEBORAH CARROLL, b. September 15, 1791, County Antrim, Ireland; d. June 02, 1849.
 x. JOHN CARROLL, b. abt 1778; d.1836; m. ANNE FISHER, b. abt1783; d. Unknown.
xi. ANNE, b 1798, d May 19,1871, Cincinnati
more informat  ion

JOHN(4) CARROLL(EDWARD3, UNKOWN2, CARROLL OF ELY OF1 LITTERLUNA) was born 1740, and died 1819 in Sydney Place, Cork, Ireland.  He married SARAH CORFIELD 1776 in Cork.  She died unknown.

source: Pencil chart. Thomas Webb's Quaker pedigrees, Randolph

 i. HAM(5) CARROLL, [ was this Samuel b 23 December 1771?].
 ii. JOSHUA CARROLL, d. Unknown.
 iii. THOMAS CARROLL, b. 1784; d. 1832.
 iv. FREDERICK CARROLL, b. 1786; d. 1796.
 v. JOHN CARROLL, b. 1790; d. 1804.

more information

Generation No. 5

MARGERY(5) CARROLL(EDWARD4, EDWARD3, UNKOWN2, CARROLL OF ELY OF1 LITTERLUNA) was born February 01, 1789 in Co. Atrim, Ireland, and died July 04, 1873 in Columbiana Co, OH.  She married (2) WILLIAM JR WHINNERY May 02, 1811 in New Garden, Columbiana, OH, US, son of WILLIAM WHINNERY and ABIGAIL MCMILLAN.  He was born November 02, 1785 in Newberry, York Co., PA, and died October 15, 1863 in Columbiana Co., OH.

[Wastronga.FTW] per ancest. file (b) 1785.
A.M.Goodrich: Geneology of Whinery's !Doris Williams data: B Lisburn
area of Ireland. !Margery and Sally, the wives of William and James
were sisters.


per Ancest. File: (b) Warrington, Bucks, PA
source:Notes from Alice May Goodridge
!emmigration:Pioneer in Columbiana County among the early pioneers
!emmigration: circa1804. see History of Columbiana County
!source: History of Columbiana County

 i. ELIZABETH(6) WHINNERY, b. November 26, 1817, Columbiana Co, Ohio; d. August 11, 1887, North Benton, OH.
 ii. EDWARD WHINNERY, b. February 21, 1812; d. Unknown.
 iii. ABIGAIL M. WHINNERY, b. July 13, 1814; d. 1892.
 iv. ISAAC WHINNERY, b. May 15, 1816; d. May 1842.
 v. DEBORAH WHINNERY, b. April 29, 1819; d. December 18, 1899.
 vi. GEORGE WHINNERY, b. February 22, 1821; d. June 25, 1903.
 vii. ELIJAH WHINNERY, b. August 20, 1822, Winona, Columbiana, OH, US; d. November 18, 1912, Winona, OH.
 viii. MARIAH WHINNERY, b. August 18, 1824; d. May 1844.
 ix. JOSHUA WHINNERY, b. August 21, 1826; d. ?
 x. JANE BERTHA WHINNERY, b. June 18, 1828; d. 1871.
 xi. JASON WHINNERY, b. March 15, 1830; d. 1910.

NANCY(5) CARROLL(EDWARD4, EDWARD3, UNKOWN2, CARROLL OF ELY OF1 LITTERLUNA) was born July 1785, and died August 23, 1866.  She married JAMES WHINNERY February 22, 1810 in Salem, Columbiana, OH, US, son of WILLIAM WHINNERY and ABIGAIL MCMILLAN.  He was born March 10, 1787 in Warrington, Bucks, PA, US, and died July 25, 1845.

source: Esther Coy letter dtd 11/4/87 source: McMillan Family History
pg 32 source: Genealogical and Family History of Eastern Ohio,
Summers, New York, source: Lewis Pubs 1903. misc: Lists her name as
Nancy (Carroll) Whinnery.

Burial: July 28, 1845, Woodsdale, Salem, OH


May have been known as Sally Carroll

 i. ELIZABETH WHINNERY, b. November 26, 1810; d. Unknown.
 ii. WILIAM WHINNERY, b. November 30, 1811; d. Unknown.
 iii. JOSEPH WHINNERY, b. January 13, 1813; d. Unknown.
 iv. ZIMRI WHINNERY, b. March 16, 1814; d. Unknown.
 v. JOHN CARROLL WHINNERY, b. April 01, 1816, Butler Twp, Columbiana Co., OH; d. 1895, Salem, OH.
 vi. THOMAS WHINNERY, b. November 22, 1817; d. Unknown.
 vii. ELIZA WHINNERY, b. July 28, 1818; d. Unknown.
 viii. JAMES WHINNERY, b. February 01, 1819; d. Unknown.
 ix. EDWARD WHINNERY, b. March 20, 1820; d. Unknown.
 x. ABIGAIL WHINNERY, b. September 14, 1822; d. Unknown.
 xi. NEWTON WHINNERY, b. May 23, 1824; d. Unknown.
 xii. ELWOOD WHINNERY, b. June 08, 1824; d. Unknown.
 xiii. SALLIE WHINNERY, b. November 07, 1828; d. Unknown.
 xiv. ISABELLA WHINNERY, b. June 15, 1832; d. Unknown.

DEBORAH(5) CARROLL(EDWARD4, EDWARD3, UNKOWN2, CARROLL OF ELY OF1 LITTERLUNA) was born September 15, 1791 in County Antrim, Ireland, and died June 02, 1849.  She married WILLIAM BAYLIS RANDOLPH April 10, 1831.  He died Unknown.


Came with her family to America when she was eleven years old.  After moving several times they finally settled in Columbiana County, near New Garden.  She was a very good industrious woman.  It is said that she and her older sisters used to gather and pile up wood on their father's clearing near Liverpool and cry to go back to Ireland, but they could never go back.

Their father had lost most of his property in Ireland by going security for men who would not pay their debts.  She was 40 years old when married.  She was a Hicksitte Friend, and when the church committee came to deal with her for marrying out of meeting and asked her if he was not sorry she had done so.  She answered that ehe was not sorry, but for some reason they did not turn her out.  She was taken sick from a disease not understood and died suddenly.  She is buried at Woodale Cemetery, Salem, OH

Marriage: April 10, 1831

 i. THOMPSON(6) RANDOLPH, d. Unknown.
 ii. LYDIA ANNE RANDOLPH, d. Unknown.


Generation No. 6

ELIZABETH(6) WHINNERY(MARGERY5 CARROLL, EDWARD4, EDWARD3, UNKOWN2, CARROLL OF ELY OF1 LITTERLUNA) was born November 26, 1817 in Columbiana Co, Ohio, and died August 11, 1887 in North Benton, OH.  She married ALONZO STRONG August 18, 1846 in Columbiana, New Lisbon, OH, son of WILLIAM STRONG and ABIGAIL CRANE.  He was born November 25, 1805 in Durham, Middlesex Co., CT, and died March 02, 1891 in North Benton, Ohio.

source: From the Portage County Ohio Cemeteries, Vol VII, Page 118
Elizabeth Whinery Strong d. Aug 11, 1887 age 78 yrs, 8mos, 16 days

source: marriage record of Alonzo and Elizabeth  Whinnery (volume 3 page 448) from the Columbiana County Probate Court in Lisbon. They were actually married by Joseph Grissell,  "Justice of the Peace".

Burial: Unknown, Hartzell Cem, North Benton, Ohio
Record Change: January 07, 1999

LOCATION: Farm in Berlin Center, Mahoning CO, OH
LOCATION: 1814, father's death went back to CT.
LOCATION: Circa 1817, Returned to OH and joined stepmother, Deerfield Twp.
LOCATION: Possibly learned carpenter's trade in Salem.
LOCATION: May have worked short time in NY state.
Source: From the Portage County Ohio Cemeteries, Vol VII, Page 118
Alonzo Strong died Mar 2, 1891 age 85 yrs, 3 mos, 5 das
Source: From CD 400 marriage Index:
Marriage Index: Ohio, 1789-1850
Columbiana County OH - film # 0927766
67 v
Strong, Alonzo Spouse : Whinery, Elizabeth
Marriage date : Aug 18, 1846
County of record : Columbiana Co.
Sex : M

Burial: March 02, 1891, Hartzell Cem, North Benton, OH
Census 1: 1850, Berlin Center, Mahoning, OH, US
Census 2: 1830, Berlin Center, Trumbull, OH, US
Education 1: Tailor
Education 2: Bound out to Joseph Hartzell.
Occupation 1: Carpenter, barn building.
Occupation 2: Farmer
Record Change: May 24, 1997

Marriage: August 18, 1846, Columbiana, New Lisbon, OH

 i. SERENA M.7 STRONG, b. May 19, 1848; d. February 16, 1893, Champaign, Urbana Co, Ill.
 ii. EDWARD STRONG, b. March 28, 1850, Berlin Center, Mahoning, Ohio/Mahoning Co., OH; d. December 17, 1943, Poland, Mahoning, Ohio.
 iii. EDWIN STRONG, b. March 28, 1850; d. 1852.
 iv. LOUVISA JANE STRONG, b. November 11, 1851, N. Benton, Mahoning Co., Ohio; d. March 08, 1946, Marshall, Clark Co., Ill.
v. ASHLEY ELY STRONG, b. January 03, 1853, North Benton, OH; d. August 02, 1921, North Benton, OH.
vi. OPHELIA ADELAIDE STRONG, b. February 22, 1854, North Benton, OH; d. May 11, 1925, Carson City, Iowa.
vii. LEORA ELIZABETH STRONG, b. August 10, 1855, North Benton, OH; d. July 12, 1948, Butler, PA.
viii. ALONZO CARROLL STRONG, b. January 02, 1858, North Benton, Mahoning Co, Ohio; d. May 31, 1900, Alliance, OH.
ix. WENDELL PHILLIPS STRONG, b. May 22, 1862, Berlin Center, OH; d. June 27, 1934, Ravenna, Ohio.

EDWARD(6) WHINNERY (MARGERY5 CARROLL, EDWARD4, EDWARD3, UNKOWN2, CARROLL OF ELY OF1 LITTERLUNA) was born February 21, 1812, and died Unknown.  He married (1) SARAH THOMPSON 1839.  She was born 1839, and died Unknown.  He married (2) MARY WHITTON 1869.  She died Unknown.

 i. FRANKLIN7 WHINNERY, b. 1841; d. Unknown.
 ii. EDWARD WHINNERY, b. June 13, 1857; d. Unknown.
 iii. JAMES WHINNERY, b. September 1860; d. Unknown.

 iv. MARSHALL7 WHINNERY, d. Unknown.
 v. ADA WHINNERY, d. Unknown.

ABIGAIL M.(6) WHINNERY(MARGERY5 CARROLL, EDWARD4, EDWARD3, UNKOWN2, CARROLL OF ELY OF1 LITTERLUNA) was born July 13, 1814, and died 1892.  She married MORRIS WALTON August 04, 1850, son of GABRIEL WALTON.  He was born 1814, and died 1892.

 i. ALONZO7 WALTON, b. January 29, 1852; d. Unknown.
 ii. MARCINA J. WALTON, b. May 23, 1853; d. Unknown.
 iii. JOSEPHINE G. WALTON, b. October 03, 1855; d. Unknown.
 iv. THEODORE P. WALTON, b. September 18, 1857; d. Unknown.

DEBORAH(6) WHINNERY (MARGERY5 CARROLL, EDWARD4, EDWARD3, UNKOWN2, CARROLL OF ELY OF1 LITTERLUNA) was born April 29, 1819, and died December 18, 1899.  She married (1) ISAAC BAILEY June 1846.  He was born Abt. 1820, and died Unknown.  She married (2) ISAAC HILLES May 1860.  He was born Abt. 1820, and died Unknown.

 i. ADA7 BAILEY, b. 1854; d. Unknown.

 ii. ANNA7 HILLES, b. September 29, 1861; d. Unknown.
 iii. GEORGE W. HILLES, b. February 02, 1863; d. Unknown.

GEORGE(6) WHINNERY(MARGERY5 CARROLL, EDWARD4, EDWARD3, UNKOWN2, CARROLL OF ELY OF1 LITTERLUNA) was born February 22, 1821, and died June 25, 1903.  He married (1) N NETTIE SMITH.  She died Unknown.  He married (2) MARY PRATT 1851.  She died Unknown.  He married (3) PEMELIA PAMMETER 1879.  She died Unknown.

 i. ALBERT P.7 WHINNERY, b. July 10, 1852; d. Unknown.
 ii. WILLIAM A. WHINNERY, b. October 08, 1854; d. Unknown.
 iii. ELDON C. WHINNERY, b. August 03, 1856; d. Unknown.
 iv. GEORGE J WHINNERY, b. March 20, 1860, Columbiana, OH, US; d. Unknown.
 v. CHARLES WHINNERY, b. July 26, 1862, OH, US; d. Unknown; m. ELIZZLE LYNESS, April 21, 1894, Columbiana, OH, US; b. October 24, 1873, Columbiana, OH, US; d. Unknown. Marriage: April 21, 1894, Columbiana, OH, US
 vi. ISAAC F. WHINNERY, b. April 05, 1864; d. Unknown.
 vii. ELLA WHINNERY, b. August 09, 1866; d. Unknown.
 viii. WALTER WHINNERY, b. January 01, 1868; d. Unknown.
 ix. ALICE WHINNERY, b. August 25, 1870; d. Unknown.
 x. ARTHUR M. WHINNERY, b. April 24, 1872, Columbiana, OH, US; d. Unknown.

ELIJAH(6) WHINNERY(MARGERY5 CARROLL, EDWARD4, EDWARD3, UNKOWN2, CARROLL OF ELY OF1 LITTERLUNA) was born August 20, 1822 in Winona, Columbiana, OH, US, and died November 18, 1912 in Winona, OH. 

He married (1) OELLA HAWLEY.  She was born Aft. 1826, and died Unknown. 

He married (2) ANNA HILLERY LAMBOURN March 31, 1829.  She died 1909 in OH. 

He married (3) LAVINA STRONG February 10, 1855 in North Benton, OH, daughter of ALONZO STRONG and CHRISTINA LAZARUS.  She was born October 10, 1829 in North Benton, OH, and died December 20, 1886 in Winona Rd, Salem, OH/Salem, Columbiana Co., OH.  Burial: Unknown, Woodsdale Cem, Winona, OH

He was a farmer. Other wives:Oella Hawley/Anna Hilles
Burial: Unknown, Woodsdale Cem, Winona, OH


 i. JULIAN(7) WHINNERY, b. April 24, 1850, Butler, Columbiana, OH, US/Columbiana Co., OH; d. Unknown; m. EMILY M. PRICE, August 30, 1878; d. Unknown.

Residence: Nebraska, US


ii. FLORA G(7) WHINNERY, b. January 03, 1856; d. April 23, 1929.
iii. ELLEN N. WHINNERY, b. May 28, 1857; d. March 05, 1935.
iv. ANNA C. WHINNERY, b. May 02, 1859; d. December 19, 1892.
v. VIOLA G. WHINNERY, b. October 10, 1860; d. December 01, 1939.
vi. LIZZIE M. WHINNERY, b. July 16, 1862; d. February 21, 1920.
vii. LLOYD WHINNERY, b. June 19, 1864; d. March 17, 1926; m. EMMA STACK WHITELEATHER, April 06, 1889; b. November 09, 1864; d. Unknown.
Marriage: April 06, 1889
viii. ORVILLE E. WHINNERY, b. October 09, 1865, Winona, OH; d. February 19, 1929, Salem, OH.
ix. WALTER WHINNERY, b. April 1867; d. April 1867.
x. WILLIAM A. WHINNERY, b. August 03, 1868, Columbiana Co., OH; d. 1946.
xi. IDA WHINNERY, b. April 1870; d. April 1870.
xii. EFFIE ALOZA WHINNERY, b. June 13, 1872, near Salem, OH; d. August 05, 1937, near Salem, OH.

JOSHUA(6) WHINNERY(MARGERY5 CARROLL, EDWARD4, EDWARD3, UNKOWN2, CARROLL OF ELY OF1 LITTERLUNA) was born August 21, 1826, and died???.  He married MARY A. RAKESTRAW March 13, 1863.  She was born 1840, and died Unknown.


This information was provided by Shannon Hall and has been edited for the web page by David O'Carroll in January 2000.  Any queries about sources should be addressed to  Shannon at  Other queries to